Cold Plunging
I took my first cold plunge back in June after my physical therapy appointment with Dr. Chris. He said “do you wanna get in my ice bath? It’s ready to go”
This was the first time I had really heard of a cold plunge. In high school I would put my ankle or my shins in a bucket of ice water for sprained ankles or shin splints; but never my entire body.
I’m always up for trying something at least once, so I was in! That night I remember sleeping better than I have in years.
I’ve had chronic insomnia for the better part of my life, and chronic depression and anxiety. Just a year ago, I was prescribed a list of pharmaceutical medications. The cold water has now become my medicine.
I look back at the photo from my first cold plunge, until now and what a difference. That first plunge I was stiff and was holding my breath quite a bit. You can also see that I couldn’t get my arms or shoulder in the water. If you’ve taken cold plunges before, you know that your hands and feet are the most difficult part. Why? I’ll explain in my free e-book (add link here)
1st cold plunge at Dynamic
Fast forward several months, and I'm able to fairly quickly get my body into this parasympathetic meditative state.
When you hit cold water, your body perceives it as a threat. This triggers a brief activation of your sympathetic nervous system (fight-or-flight).
Your heart rate spikes, and breathing quickens as your body prepares to react.
But then, something interesting happens. Your body realizes it needs to conserve heat and switches gears.
Enter the Parasympathetic System:
This is where the cold water works its magic. The sudden temperature change stimulates your vagus nerve, a major component of the parasympathetic nervous system. The vagus nerve acts like a brake on your body, slowing down your heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and promoting feelings of calmness.
Why This is Powerful:
In today's fast-paced world, our bodies are often stuck in a state of sympathetic overdrive due to chronic stress. Cold water exposure can be a natural way to activate the parasympathetic system, counteracting the negative effects of stress.
This can lead to a TON of benefits like:
Reduced anxiety and improved mood
Better sleep quality
Enhanced digestion
Stronger immune function
Reduces inflammation
Activates Brown Fat (the good fat)
For me, cold plunges are my “reset” button. I typically like to do them when I first wake up in the morning. I usually feel the effects of the cold water for most of the day.
Click (here) to download my free e-book with a deeper dive into cold plunging, and what you need to know to take your first cold plunge!