Full Systems Approach
Dr. Ellis is a hands-on therapist who thrives at educating his patients. He has worked with military personnel and professional athletes and strives to help his patients reach higher levels of performance. He specializes in working with hockey players with hip impingement to get back on the ice without surgery.

Background Story
Dr. Ellis took the hard road to find physical therapy. In 2002, he fell down an elevator shaft while working as a carpenter, fracturing his pelvis, a lumbar vertebrae, and his wrist. He began physical rehabilitation and several months later, found himself to be pain free and never required surgery or any casting. Dr. Ellis maintains an active lifestyle and continues to play ice hockey.

Dr. Chris has been practicing in outpatient orthopedics since 2013. He became certified in functional medicine through the kresser institute. he has done advanced courses with Dr. Kelly Starrett and Mike Reinold. He is certified through issn in sports nutrition and has a certification with chris kresser in functional blood chemistry analysis. he is also certified in physiologic flexilibility and the flex diet with dr. mike T. nelson in physiologic flexibility